In accordance with the plan-schedule agreed with the National Dispatch Center of Georgia, the repair work on the transmission line ASURETI (500kV) was launched on October 10, 2022.

Repair work envisaged by the business plan 2022 will be carried out during the mentioned period of time, including: ascending inspection of the sections between the transmission lines, repair of the damaged wires, installation of the missing discharge horns on protective wires, replacement of damaged insulators, arrangement of protective screens, removal of bird nests from the bases, elimination of different defects found during the ascending inspection, which are necessary for the reliable and safe operation of the transmission line.

Considering the volume of the repair work the activities will be performed by the employees of Tbilisi and Khashuri Exploitation-Repair offices as well as Transport department.

The process will be ccoordinated by the Construction and Exploitation Manager of transmission lines of Easter Georgia, Vakhtang Kikvadze; Felix Janashia, the head of the Labor Safety office, will monitor the working process.

About 30 specialists and 10 units of special equipment of JSC GE “Sakrusenergo” have been mobilized for the repair work on ASURETI (500kV).

As a result of the performed repair work the reliability and stability of the transmission line will be significantly increased which is relevant for the successful passage of the upcoming autumn-winter period and for the uninterrupted electricity supply to the population.